Sunday, May 15, 2011


There is a family that I have known for as long as I can remember.  My parents were friends with the parents, and my sister and I were friends with the kids.  I spent summer days hanging out at their house, and the father was my Explorers leader.  During high school, their daughter moved to Georgia.  The weekend that I turned sixteen, my sister married their son.  They had two children, linking our families forever.  Divorce followed, which was hard on both families.  And although we, technically, are no longer family, I still consider them such.  Mostly because they are the family of my niece and nephew, but also because they have been a part of my life throughout all of it.  Their daughter is still a friend to me.  I still consider my ex-brother-in-law to be one of the best men I've ever known, and a part of my family.  He has since remarried and had another child.  Our children play together. 

The point of this story?  The father lost his battle with cancer a few days ago.  I am so glad that his daughter was able to be with him, that he was surrounded by his family.  My niece and nephew were at his side.  My ex-brother-in-law was able to say goodbye.  For all of these things I am grateful. 

May you rest in peace, B.

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